Celebrating Easter

Imagine it—the Easter Bunny is hopping down the bunny trail with a basket of goodies when, suddenly, his cottony tail gets SNAGGED on a jagged piece of a broken, plastic egg holder. 😱 His hop interrupted, he loses his balance and then slips on a few candy wrappers and slides down the hill. His precious bushel of eggs is catapulted into the air, then lands on the sidewalk at the bottom of the hill, smashed to bits. A single tear falls from his eye and rolls down his fluffy cheek as he thinks of the children he loves being so disappointed on Easter morning. Tragedy!

Okay, maybe being sustainable on Easter doesn’t need to be as dramatic as that…but if you are looking for some waste-reducing tips to celebrate, we’ve got them here on this Easter edition of Waste Not Wednesday!

Tip #1: Avoid buying new plastic eggs. Try reusing your old plastic eggs year over year or gathering some from thrift stores or buy-nothing groups instead of purchasing new. If you don’t like plastic eggs, you can also opt to decorate real eggs or even rocks. Decorating can be a fun and artistic activity, plus real eggs can be eaten throughout the week as well.

Tip #2: Think wrapper-free treats. If you stuff plastic eggs, try stuffing with coins or treats separated from a bulk bag, to avoid more wrappers. Or you can do the hunt with real eggs and make separate homemade treats. This can cut down on both waste and sugar.

Tip #3: Avoid plastic wrapping. Oftentimes, wrapping a basket isn’t really necessary if stuffed well, and a paper bow or ribbon could be tied to the handle of a repurposed basket to dress it up. In addition, avoid plastic grass as a base, and opt for shredded or crinkle paper (you could even make your own!).

Tip #4: Don’t give into the gimmicks. Opt for reusable, high-quality, or biodegradable options for seasonal tools/dishes/decorations. Celebrate sustainably, and don’t be fooled by the consumerism being pushed. If you would rather celebrate the meaning of the holiday simply, don’t feel the need to buy.

As you celebrate this Easter, remember: if not for sustainability, think of the bunny, and think of the children. They may depend on us to keep that trail free of trash! 🙂


Seasonal Eating


International Day of Forests