Christmas Trees

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, how sustainably sourced are ye? For our friends celebrating Christmas and looking for a tree, we have a few tips on finding the best options that work for your needs, your wallet, and the planet.

Truthfully, the most sustainable Christmas tree is none at all. Growing Christmas trees has an “invisible waste” stream involving the gas to run chainsaws and transport trees, the watering of the trees, and the use of pesticides and fertilizers. This carbon footprint is still less than that used to produce artificial trees, but to avoid this entirely, you could create a unique display on a wall in the shape of a tree, or create a tree look-a-like from sustainable materials, so that you can still have a place to stack presents and have a focal point for celebrations.

If you really want a tree though, there are still lots of ways to be mindful of the environment when picking one out. The next most sustainable option would be to get a live Christmas tree with the root ball attached or a small potted tree to grow over the years, followed by just a live, fresh cut tree. Despite the invisible waste stream mentioned, pine trees grow quickly and can be sustainably grown by local farmers, and at the end of the season, many towns now have pop up locations to drop off used trees to recycle them into mulch for your garden, free of charge.

There may still be a need for an artificial tree made of plastic though, especially when considering allergies, pine needles, pets, etc. If you do need an artificial tree, consider joining a local buy-nothing group or thrifting for a gently used tree. You can score some great deals, and that is one fewer tree in the landfill! Also, if you already have an artificial tree, the best thing you can actually do is carefully care for the tree and keep it for as long as possible, ideally at least 20 years, to extend the life of the item and bring down the demand for even more artificial trees.

No matter your needs, just being mindful of your choice in decor and caring for the items you already have can make a difference in reducing waste while staying merry!


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