Trash Talk

A blog about the waste we make and how to reduce it in our environment

Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Zero Emissions Day

Today is Zero Emissions Day! The goal of this day is to raise international awareness of our need for clean air and how emissions pollute our environment. Most people hear “emissions” and think of cars, and while deciding to bike to work can certainly be one way to celebrate this day, there are many other things that emit pollution into our air, some sneakier than others. While Zero Emissions Day aims to put a hard stop to air pollution one day a year, being mindful of what contributes to these emissions every day can help you make small, sustainable changes that will add up to an even bigger change over time!

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

How to Compost

April showers bring May flowers 🌸, and so does some good compost! As we get our gardens going this spring, we thought we would revisit composting again this Waste Not Wednesday. The task may seem daunting, but after you set up your pile, it’s a low-maintenance process with a huge return.

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Seasonal Eating

The farmers markets are almost here, and we can’t wait! Not only does it mean we will get to see many of you at the markets where we set up shop, but we are excited to buy fresh, local produce from our farmer friends as well. Did you know that eating seasonally can also help the planet?

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

What to Do With Food Waste

We’re back with another Trash Talk Tuesday! This week, we are talking about food waste. 🍏 To waste food is to also waste all of the resources it took to make the journey from its origin to your table. The good news is that since the stream of food waste starts in our own homes, it’s one we can fight head on!

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