
Over the river covered in floating plastic bottles and through the litter-loaded woods, to grandmother’s house we go…GROSS! As we prepare to travel down Holiday Road later this month, we thought we’d discuss the issue of travel for this week’s Waste Not Wednesday. Being on the move has its own unique waste issues, and despite what Big Plastic wants you to believe, being sustainable on the road is not only healthier for the planet but easier than ever!

When most people think of travel, they think travel-size. Companies have made a killing selling TSA-approved bottles of popular items, giving you way less for a higher cost. Not only could you save money buying bulk and refilling your own reusable containers, you could just make the switch to plastic-free, dry items. If you use shampoo bars, toothpaste tabs, and soap strips, not only do you completely eliminate plastic, but you will FLY (pun intended) through those TSA checkpoints with no liquid in your luggage!

People also want to travel light, and though plastic provides a lightweight and durable option, there are other lightweight, reusable options with a far less damaging effect on the planet. These days you can find collapsible water bottles, durable tote bags that fold to fit inside a pocket, bamboo utensils, and nesting tin snack containers. Also, if you are traveling local and bringing a dish to share or gift, a thrift-store casserole dish is great for keeping food warm and adding a personal touch without worrying about getting the container back.

Speaking of local travel, considering more local vacations or supporting the local economy you are visiting is best. If you have to travel far, skip the planes and only do trains and automobiles if possible, and consider walking or bicycling once you arrive. If at a hotel, skip the fresh towels every day and single-use amenities, or if you have access to a kitchen where you are staying, try cooking or baking together as an activity rather than take-out in front of the TV.

Just remember… If you want to be happy in a million ways, for the holidays you can’t beat sustainable travel on the road!


Small Gifts


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