We Love Sustainability!

Do you have the world on a string? šŸŒ Are you sitting on a rainbow? šŸŒˆ You might be in love, or just sense all the love in the air (*sniff* Is that a hint of rose?) as we approach Cupidā€™s favorite holiday. We of course not only believe love is what makes the world go ā€˜round, but itā€™s what encourages us to care for this planet. We love our home, and we care about the environment of others!

Many people are tired of the consumerism of Valentineā€™s Day in general, and the waste it produces, but there are better ways to celebrate friendship and romance than what the candy corporations would have us believe. Why not try something different this Valentineā€™s Day?

If you send valentines or purchase them for a childā€™s classroom, try to buy ones without plastic, glitter, or foil, as those are not recyclable or compostable. Better yet, you could return to hand-making your valentines rather than purchasing them from a box, using scraps of paper, ribbon, and fabrics you have leftover from other projects. Making valentines with a friend or your family is also a fun and creative way to spend time together.

But who says valentines have to be written? Nothing says love and appreciation like homemade baked goods or curating the perfect playlist of love songs. You could also gift someone an experience, like digital passes to a show, museum, or a day at the spa, or you can make a donation to a charitable cause on their behalf.

As far as romantic gestures go, avoid the waste and plastic involved with cut flowers and opt for a small potted plant that will last till death-of-the-love-fern-do-you-part, some paper flowers, or their favorite sustainable self-care items. If dining at home, try cooking a favorite meal so they can taste the love you put into it rather than ordering in. You can also participate together in a planet-friendly activity as a date, such as a river or beach clean-up or a gardening class.

Letā€™s all show our planet and our community some love this Valentineā€™s Day by celebrating with less waste, less consumerism, and more sincerity. The world will seem a little sweeter if we all pitch in together!


Perfection vs. Progress


Hosting a Super Sustainable Party