Energy Awareness Month 2023

In observation of Energy Awareness Month this year, we want to share a few ways to save energy this fall and winter season. When consuming energy, we think there is no waste, because we don’t immediately see it, but in fact, producing energy can create some of the most harmful waste to the environment. The combustion involved in energy production releases air, water, and thermal pollution as well as solid waste into the environment, and creating energy also takes land and resources. By using less energy, we are reducing demand and creating the sustainable lifestyles we want to see.

Lightbulb with leaves instead of filament being planted in the ground to the left of hands holding fresh soil, with a background of blurred green leaves and plants.

Firstly, we recommend you resist the urge to use a leaf blower and leave the leaves on your lawn. Leaves fall to the ground and breakdown to improve the soil, free compost if you will. If you want to mulch the leaves, you could run a simple hand mower over them rather than a gas or electric one, but it’s not necessary.

Secondly, save on heating your place by improving home insulation. If you don’t plan on opening the windows too much during the colder months, you can use weather-stripping tape to seal out the cold and keep warm air from escaping. You should also weather-proof yourself with warm socks, sweaters, and blankets as the season shifts, until heating is truly necessary, and utilize thermostat presets to keep it cooler while you are at work or asleep.

Lastly, be sure to turn out the lights and other appliances when not in use. Timed lights or smart bulbs can be set to go on or off at certain hours in case you forget. Unplugging items if possible is best, and opting to use old-fashioned hand methods in places of appliances, computers, and phones, even just once a week, will go a long way for saving energy (and probably your eye strain).

Even though we can’t see the waste immediately, being aware of energy use and how it impacts our environment is an important first step, and making conscious decisions to combat that can help reshape our own habits as well as the larger demand for energy without limits. Sustainable energy use is healthier for us, the environment, and our budget!


Lights Out


Zero Emissions Day