Trash Talk

A blog about the waste we make and how to reduce it in our environment

Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Lights Out

The most common suggestion to help conserve energy this Energy Awareness Month is to turn off unnecessary lights…but did you know there is an entire international organization dedicated to doing just that? They are DarkSky.Org, and they are working to certify “dark sky” parks around the globe, as well as to lower light pollution at night from our commercial, industrial, and residential outdoor lighting by making it more sustainable and educating others about sustainable lighting practices.

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Energy Awareness Month 2023

In observation of Energy Awareness Month this year, we want to share a few ways to save energy this fall and winter season. When consuming energy, we think there is no waste, because we don’t immediately see it, but in fact, producing energy can create some of the most harmful waste to the environment. The combustion involved in energy production releases air, water, and thermal pollution as well as solid waste into the environment, and creating energy also takes land and resources. By using less energy, we are reducing demand and creating the sustainable lifestyles we want to see.

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Zero Emissions Day

Today is Zero Emissions Day! The goal of this day is to raise international awareness of our need for clean air and how emissions pollute our environment. Most people hear “emissions” and think of cars, and while deciding to bike to work can certainly be one way to celebrate this day, there are many other things that emit pollution into our air, some sneakier than others. While Zero Emissions Day aims to put a hard stop to air pollution one day a year, being mindful of what contributes to these emissions every day can help you make small, sustainable changes that will add up to an even bigger change over time!

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Energy Awareness Month 2022

We’re back with another Waste Not Wednesday for October, i.e. Energy Awareness Month! 💡 You may be familiar with the big issue of non-renewable vs. renewable energy sources, but how much energy do we really use in our homes, and how can we as individuals use energy more sustainably?

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Energy Awareness Month 2021

Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! October is Energy Awareness month. I wanted to discuss a few ways that we can conserve energy in our homes.

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