Energy Awareness Month 2021

Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! October is Energy Awareness month. I wanted to discuss a few ways that we can conserve energy in our homes.

Saving energy may seem daunting at times but there are things that we can do both over time and daily to save energy. You can also check out for more information. Not only can reducing energy help the planet, it will save you money! In the comments below please let us know what you already do or want to try!

Over Time:
1. Insulate your water heater, house and pipes
2. Replace or repair drafty windows and doors
3. Replace inefficient items in your house. Ex: water heater, electronics, or appliances
4. Use solar energy

Day to Day:
1. Turn off appliances or electronics when not in use
2. Use LED bulbs
3. Turn down your water heater or adjust your fridge/freezer temperature
4. Clean filters on your air conditioner or furnace




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