Trash Talk
A blog about the waste we make and how to reduce it in our environment
Energy Awareness Month 2022
We’re back with another Waste Not Wednesday for October, i.e. Energy Awareness Month! 💡 You may be familiar with the big issue of non-renewable vs. renewable energy sources, but how much energy do we really use in our homes, and how can we as individuals use energy more sustainably?
Invisible Waste
This week, we present a special Waste Not Wednesday! Today, we focus on some less obvious, invisible sources of waste. 🔎 🫥 It can seem overwhelming to think of all the trash you CAN see, let alone what you can’t, but being aware of these unsustainable practices can allow you to make small changes with big results!
The Three Rs of Sustainability
In this Trash Talk Tuesday, let’s talk about The Three Rs of Sustainability: Reduce (or Refuse), Reuse, and Recycle. Practicing them together can not only benefit the planet but help you reduce waste and costs in your own home!
Holiday Cooking With Low Waste
Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! I thought with Thanksgiving coming up I would share a few ideas for meal prepping that could be less waste.
Paper Towel Alternatives
Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! Today I wanted to talk about alternative household paper items.
Coffee and Tea Waste
Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! Today I wanted to talk about how to reduce waste in regards to coffee and tea. Coffee is a great jump start to the day, and tea can be very helpful to relieve stress and boost your immune system.
Energy Awareness Month 2021
Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! October is Energy Awareness month. I wanted to discuss a few ways that we can conserve energy in our homes.
Back to School (Vlog)
Please click here or on the image to watch this week’s Trash Talk Tuesday on reducing waste as you go back to school!
Water Waste
Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! I wanted to discuss different types of water waste and what we can do if anything to recycle it. Water is necessary for life, but isn’t always endlessly accessible depending on where you're located. It isn’t just vital for humans, but having clean water is a necessity for that local ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to know how to preserve water and what kinds of wastewater we create.