Water Waste

Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! I wanted to discuss different types of water waste and what we can do if anything to recycle it. Water is necessary for life, but isn’t always endlessly accessible depending on where you're located. It isn’t just vital for humans, but having clean water is a necessity for that local ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to know how to preserve water and what kinds of wastewater we create.

Domestic wastewater can split into subcategories: black and grey wastewater. Blackwater is from our toilets and urinals. Water from the sink containing grease can also be considered black water. Greywater is what comes from doing our laundry, sinks and showering. An example of greywater is when you're waiting for the water to get hot for washing dishes, washing your face, or taking a shower. Greywater can be used to irrigate plants or grass and flush toilets (by dumping directly into the bowl). It shouldn’t be stored for an extended amount of time because it can allow bacteria to grow, nor should it be saved if a member of the household is sick. Another excellent way to reuse water is by collecting rainwater runoff in barrels. This water can also be used for flushing the toilet, watering plants, cleaning vehicles or clothes, composting and more. Depending on how and where it is collected, filtered and stored can determine its use.

Disclaimer: Please do not drink the water that is collected. How your water is treated locally could alter how it can be safely used. Check local guidelines for further instructions and recommendations.


Back to School (Vlog)


Camping With Less Waste (Vlog)