The Three Rs of Sustainability

In this Trash Talk Tuesday, let’s talk about The Three Rs of Sustainability: Reduce (or Refuse), Reuse, and Recycle. Practicing them together can not only benefit the planet but help you reduce waste and costs in your own home!

The first R, “Reduce/Refuse,” can mean you don’t buy/accept what you don’t need. This is a GREAT way to avoid clutter and dealing with waste, but in cases of essential items, thinking about packaging can make a difference. Is it compostable, reusable, or recyclable, or can you forego it altogether? Practicing reducing/refusing can mean bringing your own bags to the store, refusing to buy products wrapped in unnecessary plastic, and supporting brands that are sustainable. Reducing/refusing can speak volumes to companies about where you as a customer want changes.

imilarly, the second R, “Reuse,” may sound easy but can require creativity. Can you refill the item, donate it, or use it for a new purpose? Breathing new life into old objects can be a fun outlet for those who like to craft, upcycle, or even find new ways to save money. Food scraps can be frozen for making broth. Gift wrap can be reused for scrapbooking. Glass jars can be refilled over and over, transformed into decor, or brought back to the seller for disinfection and reuse (including Sankoty Sustainables!). Old furniture can be reupholstered, junk can be made into art—the possibilities are endless!

The final R before hitting the trash can is “Recycle.” When considering recycling, be sure to look at all aspects of the life of the item. Paper, aluminum and glass creation may be harsh on the environment, but aluminum can be infinitely recycled (unlike plastic), paper is compostable, and shopping local and refilling glass jars is generally better than shipping plastic. That being said, some items are made of or sold in plastic to ensure they are sterile or do not break, and in those cases, we should of course try to reuse or recycle. Lastly, recycling incorrectly can contaminate your recyclables, so if you are unsure, check your local guidelines or just dispose of the item in your normal waste.

What are some ways that you have practiced The Three Rs in your home?


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