Pet Waste

Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! Many of our furry friends are a part of our family. I wanted to discuss a few less wasteful ways to care for and play with them.

Today I will talk about options for cats and dogs, but if you want suggestions for a different species please send us an email! Please consult your veterinarian before making any dietary changes and always monitor your pet if they are playing with anything that could be ingested! I have made a toy from an old sock, a plastic bottle and kibble. I put a few pieces of kibble in a plastic bottle and push it into the sock, then I tie it off. They love to play fetch and toss it around. There are many other alternatives using plastic bottles, another example is cutting holes through each side and elevating it with a string so it spins. After removing the lid this will allow the food to fall from the opening. My friends love to donate to the cause, and once it has been chewed can be recycled. You can also make rope toys of various sizes from old fleece blankets too. Making your own treats is another great option for reducing waste, especially if your pet has any dietary restrictions. For our feline friends they make eco-friendly cat litter, such as Yesterday’s News by Purina. There are many DIY toys you can make that they might love. A few include using an old sock and crinkling some paper to put in it before tying it off. Another easy hack is using a toilet paper roll, cut each edge to make a fringe and tie it to a string.


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