Gift Wrap
Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! The holidays are now in full swing; gifts may have already arrived and are ready to wrap. I may not always have the best technical skills at gift wrapping, but I sure try! So today I wanted to share a few gift wrapping ideas.
One of the easiest options is to reuse a gift bag or festive box. I have a large collection (including tissue paper) much to my husband's chagrin. You can attach a cute bow or homemade ornament to the box or handle to add extra flare.
Growing up some of my gifts were wrapped in the Sunday comics with a cute bow and festive nametag. I always enjoyed reading each comic, my favorite was Garfield!
Fabric is another great gift wrapping option because it could be reused as a napkin, paper towel, table cloth, scarf etc. There are many YouTube videos that will teach you the art of fabric wrapping.
Last, but not least, is kraft paper. You can add a personal and festive touch if you have rubber art stamps, an artistic flare for drawing, bows, ribbon, or bits of foliage.