Going Green

It’s almost Saint Patrick’s Day, and everyone and their leprechaun is going green. In the sense of wearing a color, going green is easy, much like it is in the sense of just updating a label to look more eco-friendly. But what does it mean to truly “go green” and why do it?

Green Means Pristine

Initially, going green meant adopting more sustainable practices to keep our earth healthier and therefore greener, with lush natural habitats being restored and thriving in environments with less waste, fewer chemicals, and less pollution. As soon as customers responded with enthusiasm for more eco-friendly choices though, corporations figured out they could just use nature-coded colors and buzzwords on their labels without making a real difference to their production lines. In reality, going green often means buying less, using what you have, and choosing products that have better ingredients and a sustainable end-life (i.e. not the best for big businesses).

Green Means Clean

“Natural” can mean a lot of things, as can “organic” and even “sustainable.” To find options that are actually free of stuff that will kill the earth (and maybe even you), we recommend checking the ingredients. Less is more on ingredient and materials lists too. You should be able to pronounce the ingredients and materials in your purchase, and try to avoid synthetics that will sit in a landfill rather than decompose over time or could be reused easily (think cotton over polyester, glass over plastic, natural ingredients over chemicals, etc.).

Green Means a Lean Machine

Some companies are just looking for a pot of gold in going green, but at Sankoty Sustainables, we don’t cut corners and are always open to feedback on how to make our products healthier, with less waste, and more sustainable. We think about where the product will eventually end up, if it will create waste during production or after, and if that waste can go back into the earth instead of sitting in a landfill longer than our lifespan. We use either no packaging, reused packaging, or compostable packaging if needed, and consider the material and ingredients we use or sell very carefully, to create as little waste as possible with our products.

Going green doesn’t mean you have to change all your ways overnight. One step at a time, you can follow that rainbow to your sustainability dream, and when you need some help, know that we are there to help out as your one-stop sustainability shop!


Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep