
Hi All! You may have noticed we haven’t posted in a few days, and well, we have been under the weather. We suspect a few of you out there might feel the same, since there is quite a bit going around. Luckily, we are doing better today, and we still wanted to share a Waste Not “Wednesday” (on a Thursday ) about sustaining a very important resource in times of stress: You!

Self-care can be tough when you are not feeling well, and taking time to rest and be kind to yourself is so important in the healing process. Filling up a big reusable water bottle will help you stay hydrated, and a reusable straw can help you sip while relaxing in a nice bubble bath. Eucalyptus in a hot bath is especially helpful with respiratory issues, especially in the form of a shower steamer or a diffuser, so stocking up on things that make you feel comfortable and less stressed is a way to care for the future you in need.

Obviously, if you are physically sick and trying to not spread germs, you may need to temporarily use some single-use, disposable items (and that’s okay!!), but having some baskets or tubs as drop zones for laundry and dishes you accumulate while ill can help prevent the buildup and spread of germs, while keeping the mess contained if you can’t wash it right away. Keeping a pair of good rubber gloves on hand can also help avoid contaminating things with your touch or vice versa, while sparing your hands repeated scrubbings.

Finally, disinfecting things is important, but you don’t have to buy into all the brand names. You can make your own disinfecting spray using recipes online, including those that incorporate 70% isopropyl alcohol or small amounts of bleach if necessary, and use old rags to wipe down surfaces. Good old soap and water actually traps and removes most germs too, and by making your own solutions you can even save lots of money. Plus, many swear by the results. A little bit of water and a scrubbing paste can work miracles!

Most importantly though, take it easy! If you need to use some single-use items to get by, that’s the time to do it. Every choice to be sustainable for the planet adds up for the better, but don’t forget that your lifestyle must also be sustainable too. Take care of yourselves, and here’s to a happy, healthy New Year!


Planning for Sustainability


Sustainable Giving