Trash Talk

A blog about the waste we make and how to reduce it in our environment

Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Sprucing Up for the Holidays

Haul out the holly and…all of a sudden there is dust EVERYWHERE! Don’t fret, because we have some sustainable (and more importantly, easy) cleaning solutions to share just in time for those hosting company this holiday season.

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Spring Cleaning

Though the snow storms loom, the time for spring cleaning is just around the corner, and we’ve got our best spring cleaning tips for natural, inexpensive, and easy ways to clean your home.

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables


Hi All! You may have noticed we haven’t posted in a few days, and well, we have been under the weather. 🤧 We suspect a few of you out there might feel the same, since there is quite a bit going around. Luckily, we are doing better today, and we still wanted to share a Waste Not “Wednesday” (on a Thursday 🤷‍♀️) about sustaining a very important resource in times of stress: You!

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Sara Diemer Sara Diemer

Baby Wipes

Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! Sorry I am posting later than usual, it has been a crazy day. I thought it could be useful to discuss alternatives to using baby wipes.

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Sara Diemer Sara Diemer

Plastic Free: Laundry

Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! If you are anything like my household, laundry seems to be an endless battle. I wanted to talk about the importance of laundry soap.

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Sara Diemer Sara Diemer

Plastic Free: Cleaning Supplies

Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! As promised last week I wanted to discuss reducing waste with your cleaning supplies and how it pertains to plastic free July.

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