Plastic Free: Cleaning Supplies

Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! As promised last week I wanted to discuss reducing waste with your cleaning supplies and how it pertains to plastic free July.

Before I talk about what chemical products to use I thought it beneficial to discuss what textile to use instead of paper towels. I find a microfiber material gentle yet durable for most surfaces. I want to make sure that the fabric I choose won’t cause any scratches or etching. When cleaning the bathroom or dusting I like to retire an old cotton pair of socks (ideally one with holes in them). I cut them lengthwise and they are very effective.

There are many different types of cleaners depending on what specific parts of the house is being cleaned. However, to reduce plastic waste I recommend an all purpose cleaner. Most stores carry all purpose cleaners. I try to make an all purpose cleaner, I have found it just as cost effective and I am less concerned about what toxic chemicals I might potentially breathe in. When choosing spray bottles it is important to use glass whenever adding essential oils. Due to the purity of the oils, they actually break down the plastic overtime. This causes those chemicals from the plastic to get into the mixture. I have also found it useful to shop in bulk when purchasing ingredients for my cleaners.

For those who prefer to use disinfecting wipes instead of sprays you can use 12 paper towels cut in half or a number of cloths mentioned above and put them in a quart sized mason jar. You want to boil and cool 1 c of water. Then mix in 1/2c white vinegar, 1/4c rubbing alcohol and 10 drops total of a couple essential oils you prefer. I like lavender, lemon (or other citrus scents), Onguard and peppermint. Then add the mixture to the jar and shake it up. The quantities in the mixture can also be adjusted and put into a spray bottle instead. Something to be cautious of is that vinegar can potentially damage some surfaces like granite and marble. In this case water and a little soap would be sufficient.

My favorite recipe for cleaning mirrors and windows leaves it streak free if you use a small amount and wipe the area until dry. The recipe is as follows: 2 c water, 2 TBSP white vinegar, 2 TBSP rubbing alcohol and 5 drops of peppermint essential oil (or your favorite scent). This mixture can be stored for up to 2 months in a dry and cool location.

Happy cleaning!


Plastic Free: Bathroom


Plastic Free: Kitchen