Plastic Free: Bathroom

Welcome to another Trash Talk Tuesday! This is the final week of the plastic free July challenge. Plastic seems to be integrated into every aspect of life. I wanted to make a few suggestions on what can be done to reduce plastic waste in the bathroom.

Many products can be made with bamboo as an alternative to plastic. A few of those products include fingernail scrub brush, hairbrush, toilet bowl scrub brush, waste bin, toothbrush, toothbrush holder, soap dispenser, ear swabs and even toilet paper. Bamboo is one of the most important renewable resources we have. It is relatively easy to grow and it becomes mature within a matter of months. Bamboo is very durable, inexpensive and aesthetically pleasing.

Within the last few months I have started purchasing locally made bars of soap instead of pre packaged body wash. The smell is wonderful and leaves my skin feeling refreshed and very soft. I have also enjoyed making my own body scrub from brown sugar, essential oils and coconut oil. This has been very useful in exfoliating and rehydrating my skin. I have also heard wonderful things about using bar shampoo. Finally, I have found toothpaste tablets a very useful alternative to tubed toothpaste. This toothpaste comes in very small tablets that you chew up, once crushed you start brushing and then it starts to foam. They come in a small glass container which makes it compact and easy to travel with. That being said the texture can be hard to get past and it may not foam as much when using an electric toothbrush.


Plastic Free: Laundry


Plastic Free: Cleaning Supplies