Trash Talk

A blog about the waste we make and how to reduce it in our environment

Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Less Is More

Spring is in the air this week, and, suddenly, all this stuff in the house has GOT to go, and that which is staying has GOT to be cleaned! All the stores know this too, and they are working overtime to sell you cleaning supplies, organizing trays, calendars, books, etc. Some of these items you may need of course (all the soap, for example), but some you probably don’t (why are there so many styles of dusters??).

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Zero Emissions Day

Today is Zero Emissions Day! The goal of this day is to raise international awareness of our need for clean air and how emissions pollute our environment. Most people hear “emissions” and think of cars, and while deciding to bike to work can certainly be one way to celebrate this day, there are many other things that emit pollution into our air, some sneakier than others. While Zero Emissions Day aims to put a hard stop to air pollution one day a year, being mindful of what contributes to these emissions every day can help you make small, sustainable changes that will add up to an even bigger change over time!

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Fitness Done Sustainably

Fitness is an important part of staying healthy and maintaining your energy, but in our busy, consumer-driven lives, Big Water Bottle and single-use items are a tempting and convenient choice. This Trash Talk Tuesday, we’ll discuss some low-budget, sustainable fitness options to keep you motivated without the waste!

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables


🎃 Halloween is approaching, and the idea of being sustainable during that time can be overwhelming and scary! 😱 This Waste Not Wednesday, we’re taking away the fear of failure by empowering you with a few simple ideas to reduce waste this Halloween while still having fun!

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Invisible Waste

This week, we present a special Waste Not Wednesday! Today, we focus on some less obvious, invisible sources of waste. 🔎 🫥 It can seem overwhelming to think of all the trash you CAN see, let alone what you can’t, but being aware of these unsustainable practices can allow you to make small changes with big results!

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Waste in Water

This Trash Talk Tuesday, we’re focusing on waste in our water. 🌊 By now, we’ve all seen the pictures of suffering marine animals and heard all about how our water sources are becoming increasingly filled with microplastics and contaminants (Brita filters anyone?). There is, thankfully, growing concern about pollution in our water, but with a problem as big as the ocean, what can we as average people do?

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

National Clean Up Day 2022

🌏 This Trash Talk Tuesday, we are not alone in our fight against waste! On September 17, 2022, over 60 MILLION volunteers in 191 countries are going to join together for World Clean Up Day and National Clean Up Day to clean up our planet!

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Oral Care

In honor of National Gum Care Month this September, we’re kicking off our Trash Talk Tuesdays with a look at sustainable oral care!

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Party Without the Plastic

As labor day approaches, let’s talk parties this Trash Talk Tuesday! 🎉 It’s hard to imagine a party these days without imagining the clean-up scene that follows: the typical plastic garbage bag, being filled with plastic red solo cups, plastic cutlery, plastic tablecloths, and plastic plates, while someone in the background is sweeping up plastic glitter, plastic ribbon cuttings, and pulling off plastic tape. That is so. Much. Plastic!

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Sankoty Sustainables Sankoty Sustainables

Back to School

Welcome to Trash Talk Tuesday! It’s that time of year again where the scent of crayons and copy paper fills the stores as the back-to-school shoppers crowd the aisles! There is something truly lovely about starting the new year with a brand new No. 2 pencil, a trendy backpack, or supplies to donate to your favorite teacher. What’s not cool is the mounds and mounds of single-use products and packaging taking up the shelves and heavily marketed to busy parents and teachers who are just doing their best. What’s a sustainable student to do?

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