Plastic Free July
Welcome to Trash Talk Tuesday! Today I thought I would post about a challenge starting in July called Plastic Free July. This is a global movement to help reduce the impact plastic has on our environment.
While removing plastic completely from your daily life may not be possible, I thought I could share a few ideas that might help you take part in this global challenge. For the rest of July’s Trash Talk Tuesday we will discuss how to reduce plastic in your kitchen, bathroom and household. I will list a few ideas today in hopes of jumpstarting Plastic Free July. I hope it will empower you to make a few changes. When at a restaurant I like to use my own metal straw with a silicone covering or silicone straw instead of the plastic straws that are offered. I love to bring my own produce bags to put my fruits and veggies in, rather than using the plastic bags provided. Whenever possible I like to bring my own cloth bags or a tote that is reusable instead of plastic bags to put my groceries in. Before leaving the house I like to fill up a reusable water bottle to take with me while I am out. Finally some coffee shops will allow you to bring your own reusable coffee cup and/or mug to use. If, you want more information about this challenge and other great ideas on what you can do I highly encourage you to check out